

ESTec strives to provide best value to our customers with advanced technology and competitiveness to differentiate.

Reporting unethical behaviors

Reporting unethical behaviors

Types of information to be reported

We await the information regarding ESTec employees' unfair business process, unreasonable demands and corruptions by abuse of authority.

Protection of the informant 

  • Protection of the informant is under the condition of submitting real name and accurate evidence.
  • Informant's identity will be kept strictly confidential.
  • Informant will not suffer from any specific disadvantages in any way for reporting unethical behaviors.


  • Reporting unethical behaviors
    An investigation may not be proceeded when the reporting is in lack of detailed description, defamation based on false or roundless accusation, etc
  • Registration
    If your report has been successfully received, the message 'Thank you for your report' is displayed.
  • Investigation and action
  • Feedback about the result of treatment
    When the informant reports in real name and requests the result feedback expressly, the informant will get feedback about the result of treatment unless the legal right and interest of the company are prejudiced.
For company or product inquiries, please contact qna@estec.co.kr or 055-370-2200 to get a response through the department in charge.