

ESTec strives to provide best value to our customers with advanced technology and competitiveness to differentiate.

Environment Safety Health Management

Environment Safety Health Management

CSREnvironment Safety Health Management

ESTec conducts its business adhering to environmental management system(ISO14001, ISO 45001).

Through our management philosophy that respects human beings and environmental protection, ESTec is committed to practicing ESH and minimizing ESH impact throughout designing, manufacturing, distributing products and additional services by complying with ISO14001 and ISO 45001 and performing to all employees and stakeholder’s satisfaction.

To accomplish this, we will

  1. 1.Ensure all employees understand ESH policy and realize ESH effect in each process and develop and implement a system to reduce ESH impact(disposal, replacement and technical management).
  2. 2.Strive that all employees practice ESH improvement management and regularly evaluate performance regarding ESH policy to pursue pollution prevention and reduce occupational injury and illness risks and promote continuous improvement.
  3. 3.Comply with all applicable legal requirements of international and local and ISO14001 and ISO45001, and ensure that all employees are required to make suggestions and have discussions on safety and health.
  4. 4.Make written ESH management system that each employee has an individual responsibility to understand and support ESH policy to actively participate in process, and constantly educate and train our employees .
  5. 5.Transparently report our performance of ESH policy to stakehoders.